Local Falcon for SEO Professionals

Search engine optimization is the sum of many parts — as SEO professionals, you're well aware of the myriad ranking factors. You're also well aware of the effort required to affect change. But how do you quantify those efforts to your clients?

Local Falcon's Scan Report presents local search ranking data in a format anyone can understand — numbered pins plotted on a map grid. Where the number is three or lower, your client is getting clicks or taps through Google Maps. Where it isn't, there is work to be done — and opportunity for your client to grow.


Four Ways SEO Pros Use Local Falcon


Leverage Location Reports for Keyword Optimization

Evaluate a location's search performance for multiple keywords with the Location Report tool. Sign in with a Google account and Local Falcon will recommend keywords people use to find similar businesses. Adjust content and paid search strategies accordingly and attract new traffic to your website(s).


Schedule Scans to Track Trends and Averages

Local SEO is an ongoing process — between algorithm updates, the quirks of user behavior, and competitor efforts, ebbs and flows in search rankings are inevitable. Scheduling scans at regular intervals unlocks the Trend and Campaign Reports, allowing you to see patterns and pivot accordingly, for one location or many.


Whitelabeling and API Integration

If you work for an enterprise organization or agency, you know that presentation is everything. Cap off your next professional SEO audit in impressive fashion with Local Falcon's whitelabeling and API integration functions. Or use our Looker Studio templates to fast-track attractive, high-quality local rank reports.

Local Falcon AI Reviews Anaylsis

Automated Customer Review Analysis

Review analysis is an important part of helping businesses get more positive reviews to improve their local SEO, but it's also incredibly time-consuming — especially for those in larger markets or more competitive industries.

Using AI-powered opinion mining and sentiment analysis technology, Local Falcon's Reviews Analysis tool compares hundreds of Google Reviews in just moments, pulling key insights for improving business and competing more effectively in local markets.

Uplift Local SEO with Local Falcon

With an intuitive interface, robust integrations, and convenient automation options, Local Falcon is tailor-made to take your strategy and reporting game to the next level. It's a powerhouse in its own right or as a complement to other professional SEO tools, and it's available for a test flight absolutely risk-free.

Try It Out


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