Report Type: Falcon Guard

Track Google Business Profile Changes

The Falcon Guard report provides a historical record of all changes made to a Google Business Profile. This allows users to review past modifications at any time and understand how their online presence has evolved.
Track Google Business Profile Changes

A Historical Record of Changes

Falcon Guard tracks modifications to a Google Business Profile and notifies you when it sees a change allowing you to quickly review and respond to updates. These changes are tracked over time so you can use the information for auditing, troubleshooting, and understanding the evolution of your business's online presence.


Tracked Metrics

Falcon Guard tracks the fields critical to your Google Business Profile that impact your local search visibility and customer interactions. Some of the fields include:

  • Place ID
  • Google FID
  • Google CID
  • Store Code
  • Star Rating
  • Latitude / Longitude 
  • Business Description
  • Review Count
  • Primary Category
  • Secondary Categories
  • Business Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Website URL
  • Business Hours


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