A Complete Breakdown of Your Reviews

AI Reviews Analysis

Local Falcon's AI Reviews Analysis takes care of all the work for you, reading and analyzing your Google Reviews to provide strategic advice for how to improve your business and rank higher.
AI Reviews Analysis

Turn Customer Feedback Into Strategy!

Your business's reviews can have a huge impact on your local SEO success, but analyzing tons of customer reviews to identify areas for improvement and comparing your review sentiment to the competition's is time consuming and tedious — until now.

Local Falcon's AI Reviews Analysis tool takes care of all the work for you, instantly reading all your reviews to spot trends and provide strategic advice for how to get more positive reviews which can help improve your position in local search, and your bottom line.

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On-Demand Google Review Analysis

The powerful AI Reviews Analysis tool offers on-demand analysis of any business's Google reviews, including competitor reviews. Every AI Reviews Analysis report provides a detailed summary of your business's reviews, along with valuable insights from customer feedback — both positive and negative. You'll quickly gain a deep understanding of what's working and what's not, how customers view the quality of your products or services, how your staff is performing, and more.


Assess Overall Sentiment

Local Falcon's AI Reviews Analysis gives you an overview of how customers generally feel about your business, whether it's good, bad, or a mix of both. The sentiment analysis goes far beyond simply summarizing your average review score and total number of reviews, drawing strategic insights from each and every review — down to the last word!


Find Out What's Working and What's Not

AI Reviews Analysis reports include in-depth insights into what customers like and don't like about your business, based on specific feedback mentioned in their reviews. Whether it's communication, service, speed, quality, or anything in between, learn what customers love about your business and what you should work on improving.


Evaluate Staff Positives and Negatives

If reviews mention your staff, including specific members of your staff, your AI Reviews Analysis report will make sure you know what customers have to say about them. This helps you evaluate whether you need to provide additional training, management, or other resources to improve overall service or even a specific staff member's performance.


Get Strategic Advice for Improving Reviews

Based on all the data and insights, Local Falcon's AI Reviews Analysis provides you with actionable suggestions for ways to get more positive reviews and boost your overall review score. These tips might include strategic advice about how to address criticisms of staff, how to improve quality, service, communication, or professionalism, and more.


Analyze Your Standing Among the Competition

AI Reviews Analysis reports don't stop at analyzing your own business's reviews — they also include equally detailed analysis of your top competitors' reviews. This allows you to quickly compare your review sentiment to your competition's, helping you identify opportunities to outshine and outrank them in local search.

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How To Use AI Reviews Analysis

Local Falcon's AI Reviews Analysis is available as an affordable add-on to all Local Falcon users. To enable on-demand, AI-powered analysis of your reviews, simply log in to your Local Falcon account, select "Reviews Analysis" from the main menu, and follow the on-screen prompts to start configuration.

  1. Add locations and (optionally) confirm AI-chosen competitors.
  2. Choose report frequency (one time, weekly, or monthly).
  3. Start the report.

Read The "How To" Guide

Manage Your Online Reputation More Efficiently

With Local Falcon's Reviews Analysis tool, you can analyze sentiment across hundreds of reviews at once, instantly pulling out the most valuable insights to help improve a business's performance and reputation — and boost its local SEO along the way! Sentiment analysis and reputation management have never been easier.


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