What's Happening To Google Business Profile Chat and Will It Affect Local SEO?

July 29th, 2024, 09:00 AM

Google Business Profile is full of features that help businesses reach and engage more local customers, but from time to time we have to say goodbye to one or more of these features as Google makes updates. And that's exactly what's happening with Google Business Profile chat right now.

Google is in the process of removing the chat feature from Google Business Profile, along with the call history feature. Whether you heard the news already or you're just finding out, keep reading to find out everything you need to know about this major change to Google Business Profile and what it means for your local SEO efforts.

When Is Google Business Profile Chat Going Away?

The Google Business Profile chat feature will no longer be available as of July 31st, 2024, and, since July 15th, customers can no longer start new chat conversations with businesses via their Business Profiles (if you aren't seeing the "Chat" button on your Google Business Profile anymore, that's why).

Customers in existing chat conversations will still be able to message back and forth with businesses until the end of the month, but they should have already been notified about the feature's limited remaining availability.

After July 31st, all existing and past Google Business Profile chat conversations will disappear, and businesses will have a limited time to download their chat histories, if they wish to do so (more on that further down).


Why Is Google Business Profile Chat Disappearing?

It's not clear exactly why Google is eliminating the chat feature from Google Business Profile, and the decision has left some businesses bewildered as to why the company would get rid of such a strong tool for improving Google Business Profile engagement.

Google had this to say on the matter:

"We acknowledge this may be difficult news – as we continually improve our tools, we occasionally have to make difficult decisions which may impact the businesses and partners we work with. It's important to us that Google remains a helpful partner as you manage your business and we remain committed to this mission."

Will Google Business Profile Chat Changes Affect Local SEO?

GBP chat getting disabled shouldn't have a direct affect on local SEO, as having messaging enabled or not was not a direct ranking factor for Google Search or Maps local search results. Potential customers will still be able to find and contact your business via Search and Maps as normal, they just won't be able to send messages directly through Google Business Profile anymore.

That being said, the removal of the messaging feature from Google Business Profile could indirectly impact local SEO efforts, and it will certainly have an impact on customer engagement and lead generation. This is especially true for businesses that frequently received requests for quotes or bookings through Google Business Profile chat.

How To Reduce the Impact of Google Business Profile Chat Getting Discontinued

Businesses that use Google Business Profile chat should take some steps to mitigate potential loss of leads due to the feature getting discontinued:

  1. Redirect customers in existing conversations to other communication channels
  2. Enable direct bookings if possible
  3. Download chat histories
  4. Ensure your contact information is up to date


Redirect customers in existing conversations to other communication channels

Remember that you can still chat with customers in existing conversations until July 31st, so take advantage of the remaining time to redirect customers to other communication channels you have available, such as SMS, WhatsApp, email, phone, etc. 

Doing this will help ensure some chat continuity from Google Business Profile, which can help you finish converting prospects into customers.

activate-book-online-feature.pngEnable direct bookings if possible

If it's available and relevant, you should enable direct bookings on Google Business Profile through Reserve with Google. This will allow customers who may have previously requested appointments through the chat feature to continue booking directly via Google Business Profile.

download-previous-chats.pngDownload chat histories

Businesses will have until August 31st, 2024 to download Google Business Profile chat histories via Google Takeout. This is especially important for businesses that want to save customer information to be able to reach out to them or continue conversations via alternative channels in the future.

assure-nap-is-correct.pngEnsure your contact information is up to date

Keeping your Google Business Profile contact information, including name, address, and phone number (NAP), up to date is an important part of optimizing your Business Profile, but it's even more important now that customers won't be able to contact you using Google Business Profile chat.

So, take a minute now to make sure your contact info is all accurate. It might also be a good time to review your overall communication processes, to ensure you have the staff and procedures in place to be able to respond to customers promptly and efficiently using means of communication.

Is Google Replacing Google Business Profile Chat?

It's too early to say for sure whether or not Google has plans to replace Google Business Profile chat, but some users have reported that Google is testing adding SMS and WhatsApp chat features to GBP listings in their area.

These features allow businesses to add their mobile or WhatsApp number to their Business Profiles, allowing customers to click a button that automatically starts a chat with the business via one of those channels.

There's been no official announcement from Google on whether or not these features are intended to replace Google Business Profile chat in the near future, but it's certainly something to keep an eye on!

Final Thoughts

The removal of Google Business Profile chat signals a shift in how businesses that have historically relied on the tool may need to engage and communicate with their customers going forward. It's also a good reminder that you never know what Google has up its sleeve, especially when it comes to local search!

While it won't directly impact local SEO rankings, the change emphasizes the importance of diversifying communication channels and staying adaptable to platform updates. Businesses should view this as an opportunity to refine their customer interaction strategies, leaning into other tools and features to maintain strong connections and keep engagement high. 

Staying informed on any future updates to Google Business Profile and keeping strategies agile is key to adapting and staying competitive in the hyper-competitive local search market.

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