Industry Q&A: How This Local SEO Agency Uses Local Falcon To Drive Results

July 31st, 2024, 09:00 AM

At Local Falcon we like to talk directly with our clients to learn exactly how they're using Local Falcon's AI-powered rank tracking technology to drive success in their industry. 

We recently interviewed Greg Kristan, owner of SEO agency TM Blast, who offered some excellent insight into how his agency uses Local Falcon to provide better results and services to his clients.

How Greg Kristan of TM Blast Uses Local Falcon for His Local SEO Services

Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your agency.

greg-kristan-tm-blast.jpg"My name is Greg Kristan. I began TM Blast in 2014 as a blog about SEO. Around that time, I also started a YouTube channel, sharing SEO tests and results I worked on with a small community. Originally, TM Blast was a side project to showcase rankings and tips on how to rank better in search engines. From 2016 to 2021, I worked in digital marketing jobs as an SEO specialist at Grasshopper, a Bing Ads contractor, an SEO Analyst at Clarks, and an SEO manager at edX while working on TM Blast at nights and on the weekends. 

In 2017, I got my first SEO client from my blog after I started offering SEO as a one-off service. During that time, I also began speaking about SEO at marketing events in Boston, Massachusetts, and I started taking on new clients from those presentations.

Towards the end of 2021, I decided to turn TM Blast into my full-time job to take on more clients, since I saw success with my current set of clients. I left my full-time corporate role to focus 100% of my efforts on growing TM Blast into a full-scale SEO agency.

Today, I focus on local SEO services and national SEO services."

How do you use Local Falcon for clients and what are your clients saying about it?

"First, I use it in my free local SEO audits to showcase how a potential client ranks for a few target keywords in their given radius. The visual of where they rank (or don't) is always eye-opening. Most (potential clients) will Google their name or service while searching from their business location; so they think they consistently rank at the top. However, using Local Falcon, I can show where the drop-off starts and where the opportunity exists to expand and get more phone calls, driving directions, website visits and business from people searching for their service.

My clients find immense satisfaction in seeing the map turn green for their target keywords, a testament to the effectiveness of Local Falcon and the local SEO service I provide. They particularly appreciate the SoLV score, which showcases how they are gaining market share from their top competitors. The fact that Local Falcon saves the Trend Report from the initial scan allows them to track the progress of their SEO efforts over time, boosting their confidence in the service and the improved rankings that lead to more interactions on their Google Business Profile."


What industries do you use Local Falcon for and why?

"I use the rank tracking tool with evry local client. Some of them have included a kitchen contractor, a doctor's office, autism centers, a moving company, a trash collecting company, an insurance agent, and more. Every industry that has a local presence can benefit from this tool."

How have you benefited from Falcon AI's analysis and optimization recommendations?

"I use the Falcon AI analysis as a first pass on my optimizations for my clients. For example, I might see that most competitors have a category that my client does not have from the analysis, so I will then add that to their profile."

What's the most surprising or insightful geo-grid result you've obtained from a scan?

"Business hours play a significant role in how rankings work. I showed this to one of my clients in New York City after they asked me what else they could do to improve their rankings and get more business. I showed them that when one of their offices is closed a few times during the week, their rankings drop off altogether. Meanwhile, when they were open, their rankings would be at the top of Google. With that information, they decided to expand their operations during the week, leading to more website clicks, more phone calls, and more customers."


What's the greatest local SEO challenge Local Falcon has helped you overcome?

"Seeing who the actual competitors are for a given keyword is enormous. Most of the time, my clients will identify a top competitor for me to focus on, but the reports from Local Falcon will show me if they are actually the top competitor or not. Sometimes, I find different competitors doing a better job with local SEO for a target keyword, so I will focus on where we can win via gap analysis and take share from a competitor that will result in more clicks and phone calls for my client."

What advice do you have for other agencies and local SEO professionals who are using Local Falcon?

"The Trend Report illustrating the before and after map rankings is critical for any local SEO campaign to see if your strategy is or is not working. Once you start seeing patterns that your plan is working (the map becoming more green for a target keyword), you notice that website clicks and phone calls to their Google Business Profile increase. Seeing the map turn green and your client earn a higher SoLV (Share of Local Voice) for their target keywords, you can show your client the value of your service by showing them where they were and where they are now."


Wrapping Up

From a humble blog to a thriving full-time agency, Greg's journey is a testament to the power of dedication and implementing the right strategies and tools. His use of Local Falcon exemplifies how local rank tracking can drive client success in hyper-competitive local markets like New York City.

Are you ready to start optimizing your local search marketing services with Local Falcon? Sign up today and unlock the power of AI-integrated local rank tracking!

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