Local Falcon is a different way of visualizing ranking data in local search. Below is a list of answers to our most frequently asked questions. For even deeper learning, you can always check out our knowledge base as well.
Answers for:
How should I group multiple business locations together for Campaigns?
Campaigns work best when you group together businesses that are in areas with similar population densities, such as businesses in rural areas and businesses in urban centers. You can also create Location Groups, and add those groups to a Campaign Scan.
What are Campaigns in Local Falcon?
Campaign Scans allow you to schedule recurring Auto Scans for one or more business locations, using the same Scan Settings and delivering automated Campaign Reports to you and anyone else you want to keep in the loop each time a scan is completed.
Do I have to send Campaign Report notification emails after Campaign Scans?
No. You can choose not to send Campaign Report notification emails while creating a new Campaign, or turn them off for existing Campaigns at any time.
What should I do if I'm not sure what Scan Settings to use for Campaigns?
We recommend running individual "baseline" scans for the business locations you want to create Campaigns for in order to get an idea of what settings to use (this will also help you determine which business locations make the most sense to group together in Campaigns).
Can I edit a Campaign after I create it?
Yes! You can edit the business locations and keywords, Campaign Scan schedule, and Campaign Report notification email, as well as toggle the Campaign on and off, at any time after you create a Campaign in Local Falcon. Grid Size and Scan Radius settings can be edited up until the first scan runs.
Can I filter individual Campaign Reports?
Yes, you can filter the data within individual Campaign Reports using Location Groups and subgroups to see only the data for certain business locations within that Campaign. You can then easily share these filtered reports with stakeholders by clicking the "Share" button.
What kind of insights does Falcon AI provide for Campaigns?
Falcon AI identifies top-performing and underperforming locations, highlights successes and challenges, analyzes competitor rankings and keyword strategies, and offers strategic suggestions to improve local SEO efforts. It also categorizes specific issues by priority, making it easier to focus on the most impactful optimizations first.
Can I set a different radius or grid size for a location in a Campaign Scan?
Yes, you can modify the grid size and radius for each location.
What is the AI analysis section in Campaign Reports?
Falcon AI automatically generates Campaign Report analysis when you run a Campaign Scan, providing a high-level overview and actionable insights to improve performance for your local SEO Campaigns. The AI looks at aggregated data from all the Scan Reports generated for individual locations within a Campaign, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and competitor insights across multiple locations.
How do I access Falcon AI analysis for my Campaigns?
Simply run a Campaign Scan in your Local Falcon dashboard (Falcon AI is automatically enabled, with the option to disable it). Once completed, Falcon AI's analysis will be instantly available within the Campaign Report, ready to help guide your local SEO strategy with actionable insights.
Can I discuss Campaign Reports with Falcon Assist?
Absolutely! Campaign Reports are fully connected to your Falcon Assist copilot, allowing you to discuss specific reports and generate even more AI-powered insights and strategic recommendations to boost your Campaign's performance.
Can I disable grid points in Campaign Scans?
Yes, Campaign Scan geo-grids are fully customizable for each location included in the scan. Simply click on any grid point (map pin) you want to disable when setting up or editing Campaigns.
Is Falcon AI available in Campaign Reports?
Yes, Falcon AI is enabled by default for new Campaign Scans and will automatically generate a high-level analysis of performance for all locations and competitors found in your Campaign Report.
Can I customize the geo-grid for locations in Campaigns?
Yes, you can disable grid points for any location included in a Campaign Scan to customize the shape of its geo-grid, optimizing credit usage and data visualization.
Do Campaigns use the same keywords for every location?
By default yes, but you can opt to associate specific keywords with specific locations if you don't want to scan all keywords for all locations.